Here are a few pictures of my fashion files over the last few weeks.
Black on Gold / Vintage Chic
There is something very sexy about a red lip, simple black clothing, and gold jewelry.
Necklace: Forever XXI
Statement Necklace
Even the most boring outfit can be transformed with a statement necklace. This was a gift from my mother-in-law! I love the multi-colour hammer effect.
Pleated Dresses
Shopping with my sister is one of my favourite things to do. We usually convince the sales associates to let us go into one fitting room. It's more fun to see each other's reactions and mishaps than the actual clothes sometimes. We both loved the detail on these dresses, so they came home with us.
Bright Pedicures
Summer is just around the corner. One of the best accessories is to have your nails painted. I actually really like China Glaze nail polish - but I admit this might be a little too bright for some skin tones.
Scull Accessories
I'm loving the olive green and beige scull scarf. Check out the gold detailing. Now this is just fabulous.
Scarf: Dynamite
What have you been up to? Find anything fabulous lately?